Winter in Bucharest
It started with a noticed posted on the door of my apartment way back in Late October, stating that the district heating would start soon. I couldn’t believe that Winter was coming so soon but saw on news about first snowfall in the mountains as early as late September and I knew we were in for some early snow. Few months in, we’ve had more number of snowy days here in Bucharest as compared to last year, but still much lesser in volume as compared to last year. That said, 99% of snow from last year come in over a period of one night and it happened mid-Feb, so maybe we’ll see more snow in the upcoming days.
The temperatures have been hovering around close to zero to within -5 degrees Celsius so it’s not that bad. Prior to moving, I always wondered how’s it to be in such low temperatures considering my definition of Winter is anything less than (+)20 degrees Celsius. When I was looking for a place to say, my landlady mentioned that the house & the building has good thermal insulation. Now that it’s Winter, I realize how good it is - last Christmas I was in Bangalore and I remarked to Jo that the house that I stay in Bucharest is much more cozy and warmer with the outside temperature at minus degrees as compared to my Bangalore home at 16 degrees Celsius. I’ve also had to swap to track pants and I see now why socks and hoodies are so valued for swag 😂
Enjoy the photos and the videos.