Weekly notes 48/2023 4 December 2023·Updated: 6 January 2025·1001 words·5 mins Life Las Vegas Weekly notes weekly-notes cpgweds reInvent Week 48 summary - a milestone week.
On to a new life 24 December 2013·Updated: 4 December 2023·474 words·3 mins Life Bangalore cpgweds marriage wifey I had originally wanted to publish this back in late August when I shifted from Borg Cube to Borg Cube Grande.
Closing the chapter 27 March 2013·Updated: 3 January 2023·468 words·3 mins Life cpgweds About a week ago, round about this time, my Mum called me up and and told me a piece of news which I would never in my wildest nightmares would have imagined, would happen to me.