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Weekly notes 13/2024
··865 words·5 mins
Week 13 summary - a long weekend, guests from home and a nice road trip.
Weekly notes 08/2024
··474 words·3 mins
Week 08 summary - another busy week, couple of new records and a new game.
Weekly notes 04/2024
··740 words·4 mins
Week 04 summary - a new concert, a passed test, and a new experiment.
Weekly notes 03/2024
··679 words·4 mins
Week 03 summary - a failed test, another concert and locked out of the house.
Weekly notes 01/2024
··767 words·4 mins
Week 01 summary - slow start to the new year and a computer upgrade.
Collecting all the year-in-reviews and lookbacks from various services for 2023
A wrap-up of all the wrap-ups of 2023.
Weekly notes 47/2023
··626 words·3 mins
Week 47 summary - Vegas, baby! (yes, I always wanted to say that)
Weekly notes 44/2023
··562 words·3 mins
Week 44 summary - a new chair, a walk around the block and more!