Weekly notes 42/2024
··1062 words·5 mins
Week 42 summary - back to guitar classes and we explore some cafes.
Weekly notes 37/2024
··1014 words·5 mins
Week 37 summary - another kickass concert and a LAN gaming event.
Weekly notes 36/2024
··1030 words·5 mins
Week 36 summary - a birthday party, an astrophotography workshop, and an unexpected resurgence.
Weekly notes 35/2024
··1135 words·6 mins
Week 35 summary - back to the beach, end of term for guitar classes and more.
Weekly notes 34/2024
··1373 words·7 mins
Week 34 summary - a new means of transport, updates to my favourite games and more.
Weekly notes 33/2024
··1201 words·6 mins
Week 33 summary - a dental procedure, trying out some new things and more.
Weekly notes 32/2024
··1020 words·5 mins
Week 32 summary - birthday celebrations, a musical watch and more.
Weekly notes 31/2024
··1123 words·6 mins
Week 31 summary - back in Sydney, a new game, vinyl hunting yields dividends and more.