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Weekly notes 26/2023

··795 words·4 mins

What’s been happening #

Ah, it’s been a busy week! I missed writing last week’s update, so here’s a combined update.

  • I spent my last week in Boulder. I chickened out of a Barenaked Ladies concert at the Red Rocks due to the hailstorm that I witnessed. Coupled with my jet lag, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to attend the concert. I feel bad about losing the money, but I don’t think I would have enjoyed it.

  • My flight to SF was delayed by 30 minutes. I’ve experienced my fair share of flight delays, but this is the first time I’ve encountered a delay due to changing a tire on the plane. Whew, quite a doozy. The actual flight was pretty smooth, no problems here!

  • It’s been a busy week in SF, and I’ve been meeting a lot of people. Visiting the Bay Area for the first time since 2019 (wow!), and I definitely wanted to meet and catch up with a few people before I left. I met the following individuals:

    • Sharif: Sharif joined our team as an intern and later became a full-time employee while I was at Adobe.
    • From there, I attended a small AWS Heroes meet organized by Taylor. It was great to meet Chris Miller, John Vargese, Partha, and of course, Taylor.
    • Dhruva aka Dkris: Dkris was kind enough to let me stay at his house for the first few weeks when I moved to Bangalore more than a decade ago.
    • Rachana and Ishan: Jo’s sister and her husband.
    • Nithin ‘Bondi’ Jois: He’s building his cybersecurity startup.
    • Razvan & Diana: Razvan is a friend, mentor, and my former manager at Adobe.
    • Santhosh ‘neo_natasha’: Former moderator at Chip forums and a good friend from long before..

    As you can imagine, I was meeting a person or a group every day, and although I couldn’t meet a couple of folks, I hope to be back soon.

    Sharif - Sharif joined as an Intern on our team and later joined fulltime while I was at Adobe.
    Dhruva aka Dkris - Dkris was kind enough to let me stay at his house the first few weeks when I moved to Bangalore!
    Partha is an AWS Community Hero
    Rachana and Ishan - Jo's sister and her husband
    Nithin 'Bondi' Jois - who's building his cybersecurity startup
    Razvan & Diana - Razvan's a friend, mentor and my former manager at Adobe.
    Santhosh 'neo_natasha' - former mod at Chip forums and good friend from long before
  • I went with my work colleagues to Sotto Mare and had some cioppino1. This was the first time I had heard of cioppino, and it was amazing. We ordered the Crab Cioppino (named the ‘Best Damn Crab Cioppino’ - a well-deserved name, I should add), the Whole Crab Diavolo, and the Grilled Rex Sole. The four of us devoured it all.

    Best Damn Crab Cioppino
    Best Damn Crab Cioppino
    The whole spread
  • As I write this post, it’s July 1 and that means Reddit’s deadline for free API usage has expired. Apollo, Bacon Reader, Reddit Sync, and many other clients have shut down. Many subreddits went dark but as I had mentioned, most have returned. Federated sites such as Lemmy & Kbin are on the rise but still have content nowhere close to Reddit. I’ll keep an eye on these and see how they will fare.

  • Meanwhile, Twitter’s Brilliant Ideas(tm) continues, this time with Elon applying rate limits to prevent “scrapers” and “AI companies” from “stealing” data. Oh where have I heard of that before, I wonder? Funniest was that this rate late limiting resulted in legit users being locked out. You can’t make this shit up!

  • Anyway after about 3 weeks on the road, finally glad to be heading back to Sydney. I really enjoyed staying at Boulder. SF, however, not so much. Will be good to back on my own comfy bed!

Too many links that I will share in a different post but I found this site that does CT scans of various things to be the coolest.

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  1. Italian-American fish stew originating in San Francisco, California. See here for details ↩︎