Mission Cooldown: Reign in on the burning Hellforge! [Aka: How I cleaned up the crud off my CPU heat sink/fan] 23 May 2017·Updated: 6 February 2024·1254 words·6 mins Life Bangalore CoolerMaster desktop gaming heatsink Hellforge It’s been about 4 years since I built Hellforge.
Gaming Report for 2016 28 December 2016·Updated: 1 October 2021·210 words·1 min gaming games gaming pc playstation 4 ps4 steam
Hellforge: my desktop after a long time 1 August 2013·Updated: 3 January 2023·853 words·5 mins Computing desktop gaming Hellforge I’ve been tinkering with computers for well over 15 years now - and since 2007 I’ve been using laptops almost exclusively - prime reason being space(or the lack of it) since I moved away from my home, to a new city.