Weekly notes 26/2023 1 July 2023·Updated: 6 January 2025·795 words·4 mins Life Boulder San Francisco Weekly notes weekly-notes gadgets travel Week 25 and 26 summary - missed updates, meeting lots of friends and heading back to Sydney.
Weekly notes 24/2023 19 June 2023·Updated: 6 January 2025·925 words·5 mins Life Boulder Weekly notes weekly-notes gadgets travel Week 24 summary - long flights, jetlagged and bad gadget week.
Of Thanksgiving Trip, Gadget Overloads, Cancelled Christmas Trip & Back To India 26 December 2010·Updated: 3 January 2023·849 words·4 mins Life 3i Austin Chennai HP Envy gadgets Google Nexus S I’ve been absent in posting here - more because there’s hardly anything interesting going on.
Got a new mouse – Logitech v450 Nano (mini) Review 3 February 2009·Updated: 3 January 2023·257 words·2 mins Computing gadgets mouse Well not a “rodent” mouse, but a mouse, mouse.
My Black Friday Purchases 4 December 2008·Updated: 3 January 2023·313 words·2 mins Life Austin Black Friday gadgets “Black Friday” in US is the day after Thanksgiving day.
And The Lamest Mouse Award Goes To…. 23 June 2008·Updated: 3 January 2023·86 words·1 min Opinion gadgets Preshit’s tweet about him having the lamest mouse triggered a series of “my-mouse-is-lamer-than-yours" tweets, and in midst of that we decided to have a contest - Who’s mouse is the Lamest?