Weekly notes 11/2023 20 March 2023·Updated: 6 January 2025·395 words·2 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes gaming travel Diablo IV This week’s post is delayed, and for a good reason - I just got back to Sydney from a weekend roadtrip to Newcastle.
Weekly notes 10/2023 10 March 2023·Updated: 6 January 2025·359 words·2 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes gaming Week 10 summary.
Weekly notes 09/2023 5 March 2023·Updated: 6 January 2025·523 words·3 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes concert Week 9 summary - Piano Guys concert, Diablo 3 season update and more.
Weekly notes 08/2023 26 February 2023·Updated: 26 January 2025·862 words·5 mins Life Singapore Weekly notes weekly-notes conference travel palooza Week 8 summary - Singapore visit, and the start of F1 season.
Weekly notes 07/2023 18 February 2023·Updated: 26 January 2025·541 words·3 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes gaming Diablo IV travel palooza What’s been happening # This week apparently has been a week of watching TV series/movies featuring a person’s immortality as theme.
Weekly notes 06/2023 12 February 2023·Updated: 19 January 2025·654 words·4 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes beach Since last week’s Red Hot Chili Peppers with Post Malone concert, I’ve been listening to a lot of Post Malone and Sunflower has been my earworm.
Weekly notes 05/2023 4 February 2023·Updated: 19 January 2025·480 words·3 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes concert We’re a week into February.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers with Post Malone with concert experience 4 February 2023·Updated: 4 December 2023·852 words·4 mins Life Sydney rhcp concert music During the break between jobs, I found out that the Red Hot Chili Peppers were to play in Sydney in Feb of 2023.
Weekly notes 04/2023 28 January 2023·Updated: 19 January 2025·636 words·3 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes new year A month of 2023 is over!
Weekly notes 03/2023 21 January 2023·Updated: 19 January 2025·588 words·3 mins Life Sydney Weekly notes weekly-notes on-call I’ve been reading Thej’s weekly notes for a while now and have enjoyed reading it.
A Look Back at 2022 7 January 2023·Updated: 8 January 2023·2357 words·12 mins Life romania Australia year in review throwback Summary # What a year.
Collecting all the year-in-reviews and lookbacks from various services 31 December 2022·152 words·1 min Life gaming music year in review throwback Since each service now offers their own look back at 2022 / year in review / wrapped, I figured it’d be nice to collect them all in one place.
Recovering from COVID 21 December 2022·Updated: 8 January 2023·318 words·2 mins Life Life covid Australia Recovery # In my last post, I talked about picking up COVID.
Unfortunately, I picked up COVID 8 December 2022·Updated: 8 January 2023·570 words·3 mins Life Life covid Australia Until now, I had the distinct privilege and record of never having to test for COVID-19, PCR or otherwise, due to either not doing any travel or being indoors, or both.
Wrapping up at Adobe 22 June 2022·Updated: 6 February 2024·429 words·3 mins Life Bucharest romania Adobe career After an amazing 5 years at Adobe, I have decided to leave Adobe and take up a new challenge.