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American Capsicum Noodles

··206 words·1 min
If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you’d be knowing that most of the time my dinner is generally Rice Thaali + Chicken Curry / Egg Omlette(or all three, if I’m particularly hungry 😀 ) at a nearby Bengali restaurant named Maa Durga Hotel.

My Room Gets Raided!

··235 words·2 mins
Well there are somethings which I thought I’d never see.

When 2 Mods Meet

··258 words·2 mins
I’ve been posting on Tech2 forums for over 8 months now(strictly speaking according to my join date, it’s been more than a year but I was active from April onwards) & I’ve made some good friends with fellow techies.

6 Months…

··274 words·2 mins
That’s how long I’ve been in Chennai, working for 3i Infotech.

Here I go again

··233 words·2 mins
No, this post has got nothing to do with the song “Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake(great track by the way!