Of Tumbles, Disabled NT accounts, And BarCampBangalore 7
I’ve finally done it.
Forget Monday Blues, Presenting Tuesday Blues
I was checking my office mail inbox to check if I have any important mails clearing out junk forwards, and this mail from the HR Department caught my eye.
Mangalore Diaries – Part II
In my previous post I’d written about my initial experiences in Mangalore after a 5 month absence.
Mangalore Diaries – Part I
If you’ve been following me on twitter, you’d be knowing that I was due for a trip to Mangalore soon.
The Confirmation Process Starts!
Most of you must be knowing that I’ve been working at 3i Infotech for about 11 months now.
Celebrity Issues
Being a mini “celebrity” can be a problem.
The Idiotic Hotel Cashier
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Generally I always carry a fair amount of cash with me, coz I’m a bit paranoid as to what might happen if I’m stranded without cash.